Sunday, 11 October 2009


HEEEEEEEEEEEY wOW I have been a lazy little shit! I mean it really wouldn't have been too much effort to post something, anything in fact in the last two months! I could lie and say I've been really busy but to be honest I really haven't had the motivation! I put it down to post holiday blues..... the come down from escaping the reality of everyday life is a bitch! Especially when you go from a beautiful, exciting, colorful island filled with beautiful friendly people to a industrialized, boring, grey island filled with depressed, hostile, shit people. Reality really kicks you in the fucking face and shouts (in a Mr.t accent of course) "Fool! You thought you could replace me with sunshine and girls! Motherfucker I ain't going anywhere! Boy better know financial slavery, demeaning mc-jobs and a whole load of generation X-factor idiots is all you got ahead of you!" Le sigh....... Imma gonna start posting again.

Stumbled across Devin mcgrath on illustrophile the other day and I think his work is pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty good! Also I like his bio :-
"The Artist currently known as Devin McGrath is a modest man. Eschewing such terms as 'genius' and 'one man cultural zeitgeist', he has forged an artistic career that is the envy of his entire family. Compared by some critics to those elephants who have been trained to hold a paintbrush, his style is unmistakable and inimitable. With artistic impulse flowing through his veins like hepatitis, Devin McGrath's illustrations tell us of a man, with a keen eye; prehaps even two keen eyes and a skilled hand. It is, paradoxically, with this freakish and presumably hideous hand covered in eyes that he searches for the inherent beauty in everyday circumstance. McGrath has been described by Margaret Thatcher as 'That guy hiding in my garden' and by the government as a 'person of interest'. High praise indeed for someone so new to the illustration scene. Devin McGrath currently has two children and wants $500,000, or else...."
Check out his website here.

HEY! Do you like no age? ........Do you have an aversion to killing animals and wearing them on your feet?......Are your feet cold because of multiple holes in your shoes? If the answer is yes to any of these questions I have just the web page for you-------------> HERE.

Mixtape time again wooop! I hope people are actually downloading these as they take fucking ages to upload!

(pic by matt irwin)

!. Algernon cadwallader - Second-rate machines
@. Pretty girls make graves - The getaway
£. Thursday - Standing on the edge of summer
$. Japandroids - Wet hair
%. M83- Teen angst
^. Trentemoller - Moan
&. The postal service - Brand new colony
*. The changes - Her, you and I
!). Cursive - I couldn't love you anymore
!!. Minus the bear - Let's play guitar in a five guitar band
!@. The pixies - Hey
!£. Johnny foreigner - Caution! Vampires!
!$. Owls - Holy fucking ghost
!%. Life without buildings - The leanover
!^. Hot club de paris - Boy awaits return of the runaway girl
!&. Ra ra riot - Ghost under rocks
!*. Cocorosie - By your side
!(. The veils - Vicious traditions
@). Broken social scene - Lover's spit
@!. Bon Iver - Skinny love
@@. Death cab for cutie - I will follow you into the dark
@£. Bright eyes - You will. You?Will. You? Will. You?Will.
@$. Slow club - Christmas TV

a mixtape for.........

Totally crushing out

So Har Mar and Alia Shawkat (maybe, arrested development) are set to star in Ellen page's new hbo comedy about two hipsters who move from williamsberg to LA......... HMMMM twee alarm bells with tiny mustaches are a ringing! This is either going to be the best thing ever or utter fail....I'm leaning towards utter fail however I am a pessimist so I could be hella wrong. Check out the info on this HERE.